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Our Journey to Senegal with UNH’s International Changemaker Grant

In January, Full Bucket Foundation had the privilege of partnering with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and their International Changemaker Grant recipients on a transformative journey to Senegal. This collaboration aimed to help a local boarding school, known as a Daara, become more self-sustainable, positively impacting the lives of its students and the broader community.

Background: The Daara and Its Challenges

Daaras in Senegal provide critical education and daily necessities to children from underprivileged backgrounds. However, due to limited financial resources, these schools often send students out to beg for food and money, exposing them to various dangers, including human trafficking and prolonged periods of hunger. Our mission at Daara Miftawul Hudaa in Kaolack was to create a sustainable solution that would allow the 392 students to focus on their education without the burden of daily begging.

The Project: Building a Sustainable Future

Our team, comprising UNH students Becaye Gueye (Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems), Jesus La Paz (Analytical Economics and Justice Studies), and Syeda Khadija Haq (Business Administration and Economics), aimed to enhance the productivity and profitability of the Daara’s 5-acre farm. By doing so, we hoped to secure a steady food supply and improve living conditions for the students.

Growing up in underdeveloped countries, these students have seen firsthand the impacts of economic hardships. This project resonated deeply with them and aligned with Full Bucket Foundation’s commitment to economic empowerment, sustainable development, and alleviating poverty.

Discovering Senegal: A Cultural Immersion

The journey began in Dakar, where the students explored historical landmarks such as the Monument de la Renaissance and Goree Island. These visits enriched their understanding of Senegalese culture and history, setting the stage for their work in Kaolack.

Upon arriving in Kaolack, the team spent a week deeply engaged with the Daara’s administrators, who shared our vision of creating a self-sufficient school environment. It was encouraging to work alongside individuals who were equally dedicated to improving the students’ lives.

Making an Impact: Collaborations and Improvements

Through Full Bucket Foundation’s connections, we facilitated support from local authorities for our long-term goals. The mayor’s office committed to periodic donations and assistance with agricultural projects. We also helped the Daara diversify its marketing strategies by establishing collaborations with local hotels for produce delivery.

Guided by UNH Extension Agricultural Business Management Field Specialist Seth Wilner, the team recommended agricultural practices to boost farm productivity. Our efforts were supported by the chief of rural development, who provided free hybrid seeds and valuable insights to diversify and enhance crop yields.

We quickly identified areas for immediate improvement within the Daara, such as purchasing farming equipment, ceiling fans, sleeping mats, and LED lights. These enhancements aimed to improve both the living conditions and the economic viability of the Daara.

Reflections: The Journey’s Impact

Leaving Kaolack, the team felt fulfilled and inspired. Despite the language barrier, they bonded with the community and experienced their warmth and hospitality. The students’ joy when receiving the new mats and fans was a powerful reminder of the difference we can make through collective effort.

This journey enriched the team’s cultural knowledge and taught them valuable lessons about unity and resilience. The living conditions at the Daara humbled them, and the gratitude they witnessed motivates us all to continue working towards economic empowerment and sustainable development.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with UNH and their International Changemaker Grant recipients. This life-changing experience underscores the importance of partnerships in driving sustainable development and empowering communities. We encourage everyone to join us in our mission to create lasting positive change.

Join us in our mission to empower communities and build a sustainable future. Learn more about our projects and how you can get involved at www.fullbucketfoundation.org