Daara Babacar Sylla

•Due to the rainy season lasting only 3 months, farmers in Senegal grow food for only one season. With year-round access to water and new irrigation methods, yield and productivity can be increased and a wider variety of crops could be grown leading to less hunger.
•Luckily, on this farm, we know there is the existense of underground water that can be accessed through well-drilling, which would require the usage of a drilling machine and the purchase of two water pumping machines that would allow ground-level access for subsequent irrigation purposes.

Daara Babacar Sylla

370 students

We are currently in the process of helping them dig wells, which would allow them to farm in multiple seasons rather than just wait for the rainy season. This will also allow them to have more water to extend the harvest. This work has already begun.

Estimated Project Cost: $2,000.

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