Monthly Food Distribution

Take the schools to self-sufficiency!

Food insecurity within the Senegal boarding school system is at an all-time high. All our partner schools struggle to meet basic needs. 

We have a monthly food distribution program which will be the goal of nursing these schools to complete self-sufficiency. We aim to donate main ingredients such as rice, oil, onion, beans, and flour every month.

We firmly believe that meeting these basic needs is essential to their well-being and educational success. By regularly distributing food and goods to our students, we create a supportive environment that keeps them away from the streets and allows them to fully engage in their studies.

The impact of these distribution programs is twofold. Firstly, it directly addresses the immediate needs of our students, ensuring they have enough to eat and the essential items required for their well-being. Secondly, it creates a supportive atmosphere that encourages children to remain in the classroom, fostering their educational development and reducing the likelihood of them resorting to street activities.

One of our main goals is to eradicate Talibe (child beggars) within our boarding schools at first but also eventually in Senegal.

Talibe system refers to the traditional practice of Islamic education where young boys, primarily from rural areas or impoverished families, are sent to boarding schools known as daaras. These daaras are intended to provide religious education and moral guidance. However, in many cases, Talibe children end up begging on the streets to sustain themselves and generate income for their Quranic teachers, known as marabouts. Most of these teachers disliked this but do it as a last option after trying everything else to get support.

This system faces numerous challenges, including issues of child exploitation, lack of proper education, inadequate living conditions, and limited access to basic necessities. Many Talibe children endure harsh living conditions and face risks to their well beings.

Efforts are being made by the Senegalese government, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies to address the challenges faced by Talibe children. Initiatives such as our food distribution program at Full Bucket Foundation have kept away thousands of kids off the streets with their basic needs being met. 

Join us today in making a real and lasting difference in the lives of those we serve, because at our foundation, we understand that time is of the essence. We refuse to wait for others to take action when there are lives to be changed and communities to be uplifted.

Donate, share, and volunteer! 

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